Even if in 2018 everyone has heard about CSR “concept in which companies integrate social, environmental and economic concerns in their activities” concretely how can we apply a CSR approach in the pharmaceutical industry, what are the actions to set up, examples of actions to take. More than ever it is important to look at it because we have seen it again recently with the operation “black Friday” from the United States that the environment friendly companies have tried to boycott for a more fair and responsible consumption.

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Encouraging a CSR approach in the pharmaceutical industry

Why, as an actor in the pharmaceutical industry, should you engage a CSR approach?

Give meaning to your activity

By choosing a CSR approach, the company chooses society well-being. The pharmaceutical industry is necessary to our vital needs, to treat us in case of illness and small everyday glitches but also think to minimize the impact of this activity on our environment by giving it meaning through all of our actions

Better meet the challenges of our society

As a company, but also as a human, we face major challenges (supply, climate, demand for transparency) to minimize our ecological footprint and think about our planet, the one we will leave for generations to come.

To move from producer status to actor status in its environment

By adopting a CSR approach, the company is no longer seen as a mere “manufacturer” economic agent but as an entity that integrates its environment as a whole and evolves with its territory.

Many other reasons exist to reach the threshold of CSR: to unite its teams, to differentiate itself by innovative actions, to be in compliance with the legislation, to develop partnerships with the stakeholders….

Concretely, how to implement this CSR approach?

Establish a waste reduction plan

As a pharmaceutical contract manufacturer, your business inevitably produces waste. This is a simple first step to implement where all employees can be actors. To find out more, consult the ADEME website (http://www.casuffitlegachis.fr/entreprises/sinformer) dedicated to the reduction of waste in companies.

Think about recycling

As we have seen on the article on the plastic packaging recycling, recycling is essential to promote the circular economy, you can encourage recycling among your employees.

Combining cohesion and the environment

Actions like plogging «activity who consists in picking up trash while jogging “is a great way to gather but also to think environment in a company. Gather up and think about new activities that you could put in place.

To bring out new practices

Install hives, develop aquaponics, plant trees as many good practices to promote on your site according to your constraints.

Develop partnerships with green suppliers

Castalie for water, Elecocity for electricity, partner with suppliers already in a CSR approach and value your partnerships.When you think about it, all these good actions are not so complicated to put in place and can bring so many gains to your business:• Increase your overall performance• Socially promote its activity• Attract talent• Save money• Innovate• Stand out from your competitors• …So CSR engaged ? Get closer to partners already involved in this process.

What are the benefits of a CSR approach in the pharmaceutical industry?

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