taux service pharma

How to measure and optimize the customer service rate?

Measurement of customer service rate

The service rate is a reflection of the performance of your Supply Chain. There are several more or less complex methods of measuring oneself.
This indicator can be measured in two ways: time and quantity. We measure an OTIF – On Time In Full.
On the On Time axis, this KPI is measured by taking the number of orders delivered on time; we can agree on a number of days tolerated and granted by the third party. There are also two possibilities: on the requested customer date and / or the acknowledgement date.
On the On Full axis, we will measure the quantities delivered against the quantities ordered. A percentage tolerance may also be agreed.
The combination of these 2 indicators makes it possible to establish the efficiency of your Supply Chain.
This indicator can be monthly, weekly or daily depending on your activity.
One could of course imagine measuring a service rate from every angle: by customer, by article (ABC classification), by production line…

How to optimize the customer service rate?

Here again, several methods are to be explored depending on the type of your activity.
As a CDMO in the pharmaceutical sector, we have focused on finding the causes of non-performance in terms of service rate.
Some examples: component failure, inefficient and non-optimized adjustment times… From this we have implemented several actions at the Supply Chain level to overcome these causes:

  • Set up a Frozen Zone with an additional delay on components to ensure that components are included in the planning
  • Ensure that customer forecasts are received correctly
  • Implementation of a flow manager for the follow-up of files
  • Challenging TRS
  • Work on a more distant horizon in order to optimize adjustment / cleaning times by grouping product campaigns

These actions have allowed us to increase our total customer service rate by 15% and maintain it, but also to have our top 3 customers at 100%.
The quality of a CDMO is not only measured by the price offer but also by the performance to deliver on time and provide you with the expected service.

How can you improve your customer service rate?

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